Does anyone else notice a cinematic theme dominating the box offices these days? Perhaps something to do with multiverse theory? We think there is, and we think of our song “A Better You” as we pass (yet another) billboard of three Spider Men in downtown L.A.
We wrote “A Better You” back in early 2020 just as COVID-19 lockdowns really started to dig in their heals. Surfers were getting fined for breaking county regulations to stay off the beach; mental health resources rose in number as the demand for mental health support hit a new ceiling; and (at least for us) we got a chance to just sit in our living spaces differently and self-reflect. We had been running head-first into the L.A. music scene while also juggling day jobs that could support the expense of southern California living. Kate had been alerted that a deployment was on the horizon for her Army Unit, and we found ourselves struck by the muse. “Now is the time,” it seemed to say. Amid all the working, moving, building, running, writing, and playing, were we any better than where we stated? *Cue the after-school-special music*
We’re not here to preach to anyone about being good or bad people. The point of our art isn’t to step up an bat with the great philosophers of our time. However, we will say that our music comes from a place of meaning for us. “A Better You” is a lyrical mix of both confessions and observations that paint a snap-shot in time. What doors do we choose to talk behind these days? Are we standing up to the harder truth rather than settle for the softer lie? Are we repeating the circles of toxic kindness in lieu of pursuing paths to forgiveness? These, among others, are question we often ask in our marriage and relationships with others. If we found common ground with you, we are certainly grateful for your support.